Be that a concierge front desk support person or an overnight patrolmen. Our guards are experienced, courteous and professionally trained to work on your sites to deliver exceptional customer service, while remaining to uphold our clients policies and enforce the local laws.

Affordable mobile patrol solutions. Be it patrols at your business, property or checking up on your home while you're away. We have a solution for you. Partnered with our A.I. monitoring, it's the most affordable 24/7 security coverage on the market!

Truly randomized patrolling to make our guards unpredictable to criminals on where they’ll be next. Soon we will be granting this access to our clients and they'll also have the ability to see exactly where the guards are or have been during their shift. Along with electronic reporting with supporting imagery and video where necessary.

Can't afford 24/7 security, but have security cameras? Look no further than Riddari's A.I. Monitoring solution. Detecting actual human behavior and anomalies, while filtering our all the unnecessary noise and sending you alerts when they matter! Making your existing camera system proactive!! Partner this with our mobile patrol service and it's like having security on site full-time!!!
If you are not sure on how to execute your security needs or where to start. Our team here at Riddari can come out and meet with you to discuss your concerns and give you options on the best way to approach your site and deal with the issues you may be having.

What are the requirements to becoming a security gaurd in Ontario?
Becoming a security guard is the first step for many to some sort of career in law enforcement. Be that a municipal police officer, CBSA agent or corrections officer. Security gives you the building blocks to get there, through day-to-day practices such as:
Report writing
Critical Thinking
Behavioral Analysis
Written & Oral Communication
Integrity and Professionalism
If you think you possess some or all of these skills and/or want to hone these skills to help you break into your career with law enforcement; Have no criminal record and have you first aid(we have a course option for first aid training). Take the Ontario security course online with Riddari and learn at your own pace. We offer the course with or without first aid training.